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Dr. Seuzz
You can interact with others without sharing personal information or having to friend them first. This group is simply a place to introduce yourself and share a little about yourself. Think of this as entering the foyer to a great party where you can meet new friends.
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I am a very happily married Fl resident who was a Fire fighter for 30 years. I have been lucky enough to travel with my second job and ended up meeting a lot of nice people. I am looking forward to... View More
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Dr. Seuzz
Hi and welcome! I have the upmost respect for fire fighters. You all are a very special breed in many ways. With your second job and all the travel, what are some of the memories that stand out?
July 23, 2023
6 months in New Zealand working on the salvage team for the MV Rena.
July 24, 2023
Dr. Seuzz
That sounds amazing… and not Australia. That continent wants to actively kill you. 😂
July 24, 2023