Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Matt Williams - Juno Shares Stunning New Images of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io: #Juno #NASA #Io... View More
Juno Shares Stunning New Images of Jupiter's Volcanic Moon Io
The Juno made its closest pass to Io, Jupiter's volcanic moon, and snapped some stunning images of an eruption on its surface.
Matt Williams - Astronomers Find a Newly-Forming Quadruple-Star System: #QuadrupleStar #StarSystem #Sta... View More
Astronomers Find a Newly-Forming Quadruple-Star System
Scientists have observed a rare quadruple star system in formation, revealing new insights into how multi-star systems form.
RT - Identity of India’s oldest dinosaur revealed: #Dinosaur #Jurassic #Sauropod #Dicraeosaurid #Diplodocoid #Paleontology
Identity of India’s oldest dinosaur revealed
The latest finding by Indian scientists suggest that the country was a major center of evolution of prehistoric creatures
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Deborah Faboade - Collaborative Efforts to Promote the Space Sector: #KSA #SouthAfrica #SANSA #Sp... View More
KSA and SANSA Discuss Collaborative Efforts to Promote the Space Sector
Brigadier Hillary Kipkosgey, the Acting Director General of the Kenya Space Agency (KSA), hosted Mr Humbulani Mudau, the CEO of the South African National Space Agency (SANSA), at the KSA Office in Na
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LLNL - New composite may be key to improved hydrogen storage: #HydrogenFuel #Hydrogen #MagnesiumHydride #MgH... View More
New composite may be key to improved hydrogen storage
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) computational scientists worked with experimental collaborators at Lawrence Berkeley and Sandia national laboratories to design metal amide-based composit
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Yale University - Upending a decades-long theory of reverse osmosis water desalination: #Osmosis #WaterTra... View More
Upending a decades-long theory of reverse osmosis water desalination
The process of reverse osmosis has proven to be the state-of-the-art method for removing salt from seawater and increasing access to clean water. Other applications include wastewater treatment and en
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RT - Scientists ‘turning dead birds into drones’ #Drones #FlightPatterns #FlightEfficiency #Aviation #Physics #Ornithology
Scientists ‘turning dead birds into drones’
A team of US scientists is converting taxidermied birds into drones in a bid to understand more about avian flight
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RT - China speaks the language of pragmatism, while the US only understands sanctions, militarism and confrontation: #Diplomac... View More
China speaks the language of pragmatism, while the US only understands sanctions, militarism and confrontation
Macron’s recent statements have shown the erosion of Washington’s ‘zero-sum’ diplomacy compared to Beijing’s ‘win-win’ approach
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