Alexander Rogge shared...
Wings Hypnosis, LLC shared a photo
When we get caught up in responsibilities and schedules, we often forget to make room for something equally essential: Whimsy. That spark of playfulness, spontaneous fun, and a touch of lightheartedn... View More
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Stephane Paiement shared a few photos
Took those Monday PM a few miles west of my place. At home, you do not see it
Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Stephane Paiement shared a photo
When I am not surfing the web for pics of ladies wearing pantyhose or stockings, I log flight time on my drone. Since I am currently on an advance licence with restriction (I need to do a flight rev... View More
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Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Alexander Rogge shared...
Reminds me of the old Tandy Color Computer 2 I had as a teen.
It hooked up to the tv, had a cassette player as a disk drive and an instruction book that was about 6 inches thick. Most of that space were programs, in basic, that you had to type in yourself.
Time consuming, yes, but kinda cool.
Alexander Rogge shared...