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Great Free Animal

Born on November 11, 1966.
4 members General Groups
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11 members General Groups
Acanthochronology – study of cactus spines grown in time ordered sequence. Acarology – study of mites and ticks. Aceology – science of remedies, or of therapeutics; iamatology. Acology – study of medical remedies. Acoustics – science of sound. Actinobiology – synonymous with radiobiology. Adenology – study of glands Aedoeology – science of generative organs. Aerobiology – study of airborne organisms. Aerodonetics – science or study of gliding. Aerodynamics – dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas. Aerolithology – study of aerolites; meteorites. Aeropalynology – study of pollens and spores in atmosphere. Aerology – study of the atmosphere. Aeronautics – study of navigation through air or space. Aerostatics – science of air pressure; art of ballooning. Agnoiology – study of ignorance. Agonistics – art and theory of prize-fighting. Agriology – comparative study of primitive peoples. Agrobiology – study of plant nutrition; soil yields. Agroecology – study of ecological processes applied to agricultural production systems. Agrogeology – study of agrominerals. Agrology – study of agricultural soils. Agronomics – study of productivity of land. Agrostology – science or study of grasses. Alethiology – study of truth. Algedonics – science of pleasure and pain. Algology (botany) – study of algae. Algology (medicine) – study of pain. Anaesthesiology – study of anaesthetics. Anatomy – study of the structure of the body. Andragogy – theory and practice of education of adults. Andrology – study of men's physiology. Anemology – study of wind. Angiology – study of blood flow and lymphatic system. Anthropobiology – study of human biology. Anthropology – study of human cultures. Anthrozoology – study of human-animal interaction. Apiology – study of bees. Aquatic ecology – study of aquatic environment. Arachnology – study of arachnids. Archaeology – study of human material remains. Archelogy – study of first principles.[1] Archology – science of the origins of government. Areology – study of Mars. Aretaics – science of virtue. Aristology – science or art of dining. Aromachology – study of smell and odor. Arthrology – study of joints. Arthropodology – study of arthropods like insects and arachnids. Astacology – science of crayfish. Asteroseismology – study of star oscillations. Astheniology – study of diseases of weakening and aging. Astrobotany – study of plants in space. Astrobiology – study of extraterrestrial life. Astrodynamics – study of motion of rockets and spacecraft. Astrogeology – study of extraterrestrial geology. Astronomy – study of celestial bodies and phenomena. Astrophysics – study of behaviour of interstellar matter. Atmology – the science of aqueous vapor. Audiology – study of hearing. Autecology – study of ecology of one species. Autology – scientific study of oneself. Auxology – science of growth. Avionics – science of electronic devices for aircraft. Axiology – science of the ultimate nature of value. B Bacteriology – study of bacteria. Balneology – science of the therapeutic use of baths. Batrachology – study of frogs. Barodynamics – science of the support and mechanics of bridges. Barology – study of gravitational force. Bathymetry – study of underwater depth of ocean floors or lake floors. Batology – the study of brambles. Bibliology – study of books. Bibliotics – study of documents to determine authenticity. Bioecology – study of interaction of life in the environment. Biogeochemistry – study of chemistry of the surface of the Earth. Biology – study of life. Biochemistry – study of chemical processes within and relating to living organism. Biomechanics – study of the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems. Biometrics – study of biological measurement for security purposes. Bionomics – study of organisms interacting in their environments. Biophysics – study of physics of biological phenomena. Biopsychology – application of the science of biology to the study of psychology. Biotribology – study of friction, wear and lubrication of biological systems. Botany – study of plants. Bromatology – study of food. Bryology – study of mosses and liverworts. C Cacogenics – study of racial degeneration. Caliology – study of bird's nests. Calorifics – study of heat. Cambistry – science of international exchange. Campanology – study of bells. Carcinology – study of crabs and other crustaceans. Cardiology – study of the heart. Caricology – study of sedges. Carpology – study of fruit. Cartography – science of making maps and globes. Castrametation – art of designing a camp. Catacoustics – science of echoes or reflected sounds. Catallactics – science of commercial exchange. Catechectics – art of teaching by question and answer. Celestial mechanics – study of motion of objects in outer space. Cell biology – study of the different structures and functions of both eukaryote and prokaryote cells. Cetology – study of whales and dolphins. Chalcography – art of engraving on copper or brass. Chalcotriptics – art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses. Chaology – study of chaos or chaos theory. Characterology – study of development of character. Chemistry – study of properties and behaviours of substances. Chirocosmetics – beautifying the hands; art of manicure. Chirography – study of handwriting or penmanship. Chirology – study of the hands. Chiropody – medical science of feet. Chorology – science of the geographic description of anything. Chrematistics – study of wealth; political economy. Chromatics – study of color. Chronobiology – study of biological rhythms. Chrysology – study of precious metals. Ciselure – art of chasing metal. Classical mechanics – study of motion of macroscopic objects. Climatology – study of climate. Clinology – study of aging or individual decline after maturity. Codicology – study of manuscripts. Coleopterology – study of beetles and weevils. Cometology – study of comets. Computer science – study of processes that interact with data. Conchology – study of shells. Connectomics – study of connectomes. Contact mechanics – study of the deformation of solids that touch each other. Coprology – study of feces. Cosmetology – study of cosmetics. Cosmochemistry – study of the chemical composition of matter in the universe and the processes that led to those compositions. Cosmology – study of the universe. Craniology – study of the skull. Criminology – study of crime and criminals. Cryobiology – study of life under cold conditions. Cryptology – study of codes. Cryptozoology – study of animals for whose existence there is no conclusive proof. Ctetology – study of the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Cyclonology – study of tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes. Cynology – scientific study of dogs. Cytology – study of living cells. D Dactyliology – study of rings. Dactylography – study of fingerprints. Dactylology – study of sign language. Deltiology – collection and study of picture postcards. Demography – study of population. Demology – study of human behaviour. Dendrochronology – study of tree rings. Dendrology – study of trees. Deontology – theory or study of moral obligation. Dermatoglyphics – study of skin patterns and fingerprints. Dermatology – study of skin. Desmology – study of ligaments. Diabology – study of devils. Diagraphics – art of making diagrams or drawings. Dialectology – study of dialects. Dietetics – study of prevention of health conditions and diseases through human nutrition and regulation of diet. Dioptrics – study of light refraction. Diplomatics – science of deciphering ancient writings and texts. Diplomatology – study of diplomats. Docimology – art of assaying. Dosiology – study of doses. Dynamics – study of forces and their effects on motion. Dysgenics – study of racial degeneration. E Ecclesiology – study of church affairs. Eccrinology – study of excretion. Ecology – study of environment. Economics – study of material wealth (production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services). Edaphology – study of soils. Egyptology – study of ancient Egypt. Eidology – study of mental imagery.[2] Ekistics – study of human settlement. Electrochemistry – study of relations between electricity and chemicals. Electrodynamics – study of the effects arising from the interactions of electric currents with magnets, with other currents, or with themselves. Electrology – study of electricity. Electrostatics – study of static electricity. Electromagnetism – study of electromagnetic force. Embryology – study of embryos Emetology – study of vomiting. Emmenology – study of menstruation. Endemiology – study of local diseases. Endocrinology – study of glands. Energetics – study of energy under transformation within various fields. Engineering studies – study of engineering. Enigmatology – study of enigmas (puzzles). Entomology – study of insects. Entozoology – study of parasites that live inside larger organisms. Enzymology – study of enzymes. Ephebiatrics – branch of medicine dealing with adolescence. Epidemiology – study of diseases and epidemics. Epileptology – study of epilepsy. Epistemology – study of grounds of knowledge. Eremology – study of deserts. Ergology – study of effects of work on humans. Ergonomics – study of people at work. Escapology – study of freeing oneself from constraints. Eschatology – study of death; final matters. Ethnobiology – study of dynamic relationships between peoples. Ethnobotany – study of a region's plants and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of a local culture and people. Ethnogeny – study of origins of races or ethnic groups. Ethnochoreology – study of dances and its implication in culture. Ethnomusicology – study of comparative musical systems. Ethnology – study of cultures. Ethnomethodology – study of everyday communication and social interaction. Ethology – study of natural or biological character. Ethonomics – study of economic and ethical principles of a society. Etiology – science of causes, especially of disease. Etymology – study of origins of words. Euthenics – science concerned with improving living conditions. Exobiology – study of extraterrestrial life. Exoplanetology – study of exoplanets. F Felinology – study of felines. Finance – science or study of money management. Floristry – art of cultivating and selling flowers. Fluid dynamics – study of flow of fluids. Fluid mechanics – study of fluids behaviour at rest and in motion. Fluid statics – study of fluids behaviour at rest. Fluviology – study of watercourses. Folkloristics – study of folklore and fables. Forestry – study of the creation, management, use, conservation, and repair of forests and associated resources. Fracture mechanics – study of the propagation of cracks in materials. Futurology – study of future. G Garbology – study of garbage Gastroenterology – study of the digestive system Gastronomy – study of fine dining Gemmology – study of gems and jewels Gender Studies – study of gender Genealogy – study of descent of families Genesiology – study of reproduction and heredity Genetics – study of genes Geochemistry – study of chemistry of the earth's crust Geochronology – study of measuring geological time Geography – study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants Geology – study of the rocks of a planet Geometry – study the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Geomorphogeny – study of the characteristics, origins, and development of land forms Geomorphology – study of landforms and landform evolution Geoponics – study of agriculture Geotechnics – study of increasing habitability of the earth Geratology – study of decadence and decay Gerocomy – study of old age Gerontology – study of the elderly and aging Gigantology – study of giants Glaciology – study of ice ages and glaciation Glossology – study of language; study of the tongue Glyptography – art of engraving on gems Glyptology – study of gem engravings Gnomonics – the art of measuring time using sundials Gnosiology – study of knowledge; philosophy of knowledge Gnotobiology – study of life in germ-free conditions Graminology – study of grasses Grammatology – study of systems of writing Graphemics – study of systems of representing speech in writing Graphology – study of handwriting Gromatics – science of surveying Gynaecology – study of women's physiology Gyrostatics – study of rotating bodies H Haemataulics – study of movement of blood through blood vessels Hagiology – study of saints Halieutics – study of fishing Hamartiology – study of sin Harmonics – study of musical acoustics Hedonics – part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure Helcology – study of ulcers Heliology – science of the sun Helioseismology – study of sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations Helminthology – study of worms Hematology – study of blood Hemodynamics – study of the dynamics behind blood circulation Hepatology – study of liver, gallbladder, biliary tree, and pancreas Heredity – study of passing of traits from parents to offspring Heresiology – study of heresies Hermeology – study of Mercury Herpetology – study of reptiles and amphibians Hierology – science of sacred matters Hippiatrics – study of diseases of horses Hippology – study of horses Histology – study of the tissues of organisms Histopathology – study of changes in tissue due to disease Historiography – study of writing history Historiology – study of history Homiletics – art of preaching Home Economics – deals with home and economics Hoplology – study of human combative behavior and performance Horography – art of constructing sundials or clocks Horology – science of time measurement Horticulture – study of gardening Hydrobiology – study of aquatic organisms Hydrodynamics – study of movement in liquids Hydrogeology – study of ground water Hydrography – study of investigating bodies of water Hydrokinetics – study of motion of fluids Hydrology – study of water resources Hydrometeorology – study of atmospheric moisture Hydropathy – study of treating diseases with water Hydrostatics – study of fluids behaviour at rest Hyetology – science of rainfall Hygiastics – science of health and hygiene Hygienics – study of sanitation; health Hygiology – hygienics; study of cleanliness Hygroscopy – study of humidity Hygrometry – science of humidity Hymnography – study of writing hymns Hymnology – study of hymns Hypnology – study of sleep; study of hypnosis Hypsography – science of measuring heights I Iamatology – study of remedies Iatrology – treatise or text on medical topics; study of medicine Iatromathematics – archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology Ichnography – art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan Ichnology – science of fossilized footprints Ichthyology – study of fish Iconography – study of drawing symbols Iconology – study of icons; symbols Ideogeny – study of origins of ideas Ideology – science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour Idiomology – study of idiom, jargon or dialect Idiopsychology – study of the psychology of one's own mind Immunochemistry – study of chemistry of the immune system Immunogenetics – study of genetic characteristics of immunity Immunology – study of immunity Immunopathology – study of immunity to disease Insectology – study of insects Irenology – study of peace Iridology – study of the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye K Kalology – study of beauty Karyology – study of cell nuclei Kinematics – study of motion Kinesics – study of gestural communication Kinesiology – study of human movement and posture Kinetics – study of forces producing or changing motion Koniology – study of atmospheric pollutants and dust Ktenology – science of putting people to death Kymatology – study of wave motion L Labeorphily – collection and study of beer bottle labels Larithmics – study of population statistics Laryngology – study of larynx Lepidopterology – study of butterflies and moths Leprology – study of leprosy Lexicology – study of words and their meanings Lexigraphy – art of definition of words Lichenology – study of lichens Library and information science – study of organization, access, collection, and protection/regulation of information, whether in physical or digital forms. Limacology – study of slugs Limnobiology – study of freshwater ecosystems Limnology – study of bodies of fresh water Linguistics – study of language Liturgiology – study of liturgical forms and church rituals Loimology – study of plagues and epidemics Loxodromy – study of sailing along rhumb-lines Ludology – study of games M Macroeconomics – branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of the whole economy Magirics – art of cookery Magnanerie – art of raising silkworms Magnetics – study of magnetism Magnetohydrodynamics – study of electrically conducting fluids Magnetostatics – study of magnetic fields in systems where the currents are steady Malacology – study of molluscs Malariology – study of malaria Mammalogy – study of mammals Manège – art of horsemanship Mariology – study of the Virgin Mary Marine biology – study of the ocean's ecosystem Mastology – study of mammals Mathematics – study of magnitude, number, and forms Mazology – mammalogy; study of mammals Mechanics – study of action of force on bodies Meconology – study of or treatise concerning opium Media studies – study of mass media Medicine – science of diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease Melissopalynology – study of honey Melittology – study of bees Melology – study of music; musicology Mereology – study of part-whole relationships Mesology – ecology Metallogeny – study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits Metallography – study of the structure and constitution of metals Metallurgy – study of alloying and treating metals Metaphysics – study of principles of nature and thought Metapolitics – study of politics in theory or abstract Metapsychology – study of nature of the mind Metascience – study of science Meteoritics – study of meteors Meteorology – study of weather Methodology – the study or description of methods Methyology – study of alcohol Metrics – study of versification Metrology – science of weights and measures Microanatomy – study of microscopic tissues Microbial ecology – study of microbial environment Microbiology – study of microscopic organisms Microclimatology – study of local climates Microeconomics – branch of economics that studies the behavior of individual households and firms in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources Micrology – study or discussion of trivialities Micropalaeontology – study of microscopic fossils Microphytology – study of very small plant life Microscopy – study of minute objects Mineralogy – study of minerals Molecular biology – study of the molecular basis of biological activity in and between cells Molinology – study of mills and milling Momilogy – study of mummies Morphology – study of forms and the development of structures Muscology – study of mosses Museology – study of museums Musicology – study of music Mycology – study of funguses Myology – study of muscles Myrmecology – study of ants Mythology – study of myths; fables; tales N Naology – study of church or temple architecture Nasology – study of the nose Nautics – art of navigation Necroplanetology – study of the destruction of planets[3] Nematology – study of nematodes Neonatology – study of newborn babies Neossology – study of nestling birds Nephology – study of clouds Nephrology – study of the kidneys Neurobiology – study of anatomy of the nervous system Neuroeconomics – study of human decision making and the ability to process multiple alternatives and to choose an optimal course of action Neurology – study of nervous system Neuropsychology – study of relation between brain and behaviour Neurypnology – study of hypnotism Neutrosophy – study of the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities Nomology – the science of the laws; especially of the mind Noology – science of the intellect Nosology – study of diseases Nostology – study of senility Notaphily – study and collecting of bank-notes and cheques Numerology – pseudoscientific study of numbers Numismatics – study of coins Nymphology – study of nymphs Nanotechnology – study of nanite O Obstetrics – study of midwifery Oceanography – study of oceans Oceanology – study of oceans Odontology – study of teeth Odonatology– study of dragonflies and damselflies Oenology – study of wines Oikology – science of housekeeping Olfactology – study of the sense of smell Ombrology – study of rain Oncology – study of tumours Oneirology – study of dreams Onomasiology – study of nomenclature Onomastics – study of proper names Ontology – science of pure being; the nature of things Oology – study of eggs Ophiology – study of snakes Ophthalmology – study of eye diseases Optics – study of light Optology – study of sight Optometry – science of examining the eyes Orchidology – study of orchids Ornithology – study of birds Organology (biology) – study of form, structure, development, and functions of plant or animal organs Organology (musicology) – study of musical instruments in relation to history, culture, construction, acoustic properties and classification Orology – study of mountains Orthoepy – study of correct pronunciation Orthography – study of spelling Orthopterology – study of cockroaches Oryctology – mineralogy or paleontology Osmics – scientific study of smells Osmology – study of smells and olfactory processes Osphresiology – study of the sense of smell Osteology – study of bones Otology – study of the ear Otorhinolaryngology – study of ear, nose and throat P Paedology – study of children Paidonosology – study of children's diseases; pediatrics Palaeoanthropology – study of early humans Palaeobiology – study of fossil plants and animals Palaeoclimatology – study of ancient climates Palaeoichthyology – study of ancient fish Palaeolimnology – study of ancient lakes Palaeontology – study of fossils Palaeopedology – study of early soils Paleobotany – study of ancient plants Paleo-osteology – study of ancient bones Palynology – study of pollen Papyrology – study of paper Paradoxology – study of paradoxes Parapsychology – study of unexplained mental phenomena Parasitology – study of parasites Paroemiology – study of proverbs Parthenology – study of virgins Pataphysics – science of imaginary solutions Pathology – study of disease Patrology – study of early Christianity Pedagogics – study of teaching Pedology – study of soils Pelology – study of mud Penology – study of crime and punishment Periodontics – study of gums Peristerophily – pigeon-collecting Pestology – science of pests Petrology – study of rocks Pharmacognosy – study of drugs of animal and plant origin Pharmacology – study of drugs Pharology – study of lighthouses Pharyngology – study of the throat Phenology – study of organisms as affected by climate Phenomenology – study of phenomena Philematology – act or study of kissing Phillumeny – collecting of matchbox labels Philology – study of ancient texts; historical linguistics Philosophy – science of knowledge or wisdom Phoniatrics – study and correction of speech defects Phonology – study of speech sounds Photobiology – study of effects of light on organisms Photonics – study of photons Phraseology – study of phrases Phrenology – study of bumps on the head Phycology – study of algae and seaweeds Physics – study of properties of matter, force and energy Physiology – study of processes of life Phytology – study of plants; botany Piscatology – study of fishes Pisteology – science or study of faith Planetology – study of planets Plumology – study of feathers Plutology – political economy; study of wealth Pneumatics – study of mechanics of gases Pneumonology – study of diseases involving the respiratory tract Podiatry – study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody Podology – study of the feet Polemology – study of war Pomology – study of fruit-growing Pogonology – study of beards Posology – science of quantity or dosage Potamology – study of rivers Praxeology – study of practical or efficient activity; science of efficient action Primatology – study of primates Proctology – study of rectum, anus, and colon Prosody – study of versification Protistology – study of protists Proxemics – study of man's need for personal space Psalligraphy – art of paper-cutting to make pictures Psephology – study of election results and voting trends Pseudology – art or science of lying Pseudoptics – study of optical illusions Psychobiology – study of biology of the mind Psychogenetics – study of internal or mental states Psychognosy – study of mentality, personality or character Psychology – study of mind Psychopathology – study of mental illness Psychophysics – study of link between mental and physical processes Pteridology – study of ferns Pterylology – study of distribution of feathers on birds Punnology – study of puns[4] Pyretology – study of fevers Pyrgology – study of towers Pyroballogy – study of artillery Pyrography – study of woodburning Pyrotechnics – study of combustion through fire or explosions Q Quinology – study of quinine. Quantum computing – the exploitation of collective properties of quantum states, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform computation. Quantum mechanics – a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles Queer theory – study of issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity R Raciology – study of racial differences Radiobiology – study of the scientific principles, mechanisms, and effects of the interaction of ionizing radiation with living matter Radiochemistry – study of ordinary chemical reactions under radioactive circumstances Radiology – study of X-rays and their medical applications Reflexology – study of reflexes Rheology – science of the deformation or flow of matter Rheumatology – study of rheumatism Rhinology – study of the nose Rhochrematics – science of inventory management and the movement of products Robotics – deals with the designing, construction, and operation of robots Runology – study of runes S Sarcology – study of fleshy parts of the body Satanology – study of the devil Scatology – study of excrement or obscene literature Schematonics – art of using gesture to express tones Sciagraphy – art of shading Scripophily – collection of bond and share certificates Sedimentology – study of sediment Seismology – study of earthquakes Selenodesy – study of the shape and features of the moon Selenology – study of the moon Semantics – study of meaning Semantology – science of meanings of words Semasiology – study of meaning; semantics Semiology – study of signs and signals Semiotics – study of signs and symbols Serology – study of serums Sexology – study of sexual behaviour Siderology – study of iron and its alloys, including steel Significs – science of meaning Silvics – study of tree's life Sindonology – study of the shroud of Turin Sinology – study of China Sitology – dietetics Sociobiology – study of biological basis of human behaviour Sociology – study of society Solid mechanics – study of behaviour of solid materials Somatology – science of substances Sophiology – science of ideas Soteriology – study of theological salvation Snow hydrology – study of snow Spectrology – study of ghosts Spectroscopy – study of spectra Speleology – study and exploration of caves Spermology – study of seeds Sphagnology – study of peat moss Sphygmology – study of the pulse Splanchnology – study of the entrails or viscera Spongology – study of sponges Stasiology – study of political parties Statics – study of bodies and forces in equilibrium Stellar astronomy – study of stars, their origins, and their evolution. Stemmatology – study of relationships between text Stereochemistry – study of chemistry of the relative spatial arrangement of atoms that form the structure of molecules and their manipulation. Stoichiology – science of elements of animal tissues Stomatology – study of the mouth Storiology – study of folk tales Stratigraphy – study of geological layers or strata Stratography – art of leading an army Stylometry – studying literature by means of statistical analysis Suicidology – study of suicide Supramolecular chemistry – study of the chemistry of assembled molecular sub-units Symbology – study of symbols Symptomatology – study of symptoms of illness Synecology – study of ecological communities Synectics – study of processes of invention Syntax – study of sentence structure Syphilology – study of syphilis Systematics – study of the diversification of living forms, both past and present Systems science – study of systems T Taxidermy – art of curing and stuffing animals Taxonomy – study of plant, animals and microorganisms classification Tectonics – science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms Tegestology – study and collecting of beer mats Teleology – study of final causes; analysis in terms of purpose Telmatology – study of swamps Tempestology – study of tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes Teratology – study of birth defects and later abnormalities in living organisms Terrestrial ecology – study of terrestrial environment Teuthology – study of cephalopods Textology – study of the production of texts Thalassography – science of the sea Thanatology – study of death and its customs Thaumatology – study of miracles Theoretical computer science – science combining computer science and mathematics Theriogenology – study of animals' reproductive systems Thermodynamics – study of relation of heat to motion Thermokinematics – study of motion of heat Thermology – study of heat Therology – study of wild mammals Thremmatology – science of breeding domestic animals and plants Threpsology – science of nutrition Tidology – study of tides Timbrology – study of postage stamps Tocology – obstetrics; midwifery Tokology – study of childbirth Tonetics – study of pronunciation Topography – study of the shape and features of land surfaces Topology – study of places and their natural features Toponymics – study of place-names Toreutics – study of artistic work in metal Toxicology – study of poisons Toxophily – love of archery; archery; study of archery Traumatology – study of wounds and their effects Tribology – study of friction and wear between surfaces Trichology – study of hair and its disorders Trophology – study of nutrition Tsiganology – study of gypsies Turbology – study of tornadoes Turnery – art of turning in a lathe Typhlology – study of blindness and the blind Typography – art of printing or using type Typology – study of types of things U Uranography – descriptive astronomy and mapping Uranology – study of the heavens; astronomy Urbanology – study of cities Urenology – study of rust molds Urology – study of urine and the urinary tract V Venereology – study of venereal disease Veterinary medicine – study of medicine in domesticated animals Vexillology – study of flags Victimology – study of victims Vinology – scientific study of vines and winemaking Virology – study of viruses Vitrics – study of glassy materials; glassware Volcanology – study of volcanoes X Xenobiology – study of biological systems which do not exist in nature Xylography – art of engraving on wood Xylology – study of wood Z Zenography – study of the planet Jupiter Zooarchaeology – study of animal remains of archaeological sites Zoochemistry – study of chemistry of animals Zoogeography – study of geographic distribution of animals Zoogeology – study of fossil animal remains Zoology – study of animals Zoonomy – animal physiology Zoonosology – study of animal diseases Zoopathology – study of animal diseases Zoophysics – physics of animal bodies Zoophysiology – study of physiology of animals Zoophytology – study of plant-like animals Zoosemiotics – study of animal communication Zootaxy – science of classifying animals Zootechnics – science of breeding animals Zygology – science of joining and fastening Zymology – science of fermentation Zymurgy – branch of chemistry dealing with brewing and distilling Zythology – study of beer