Dr. Seuzz
on January 12, 2021
This is for Chris. I love wrestling, but can't watch it much with our lifestyle these days. These are shots from an amateur match we saw last year. The big blond wrestling chick is Jenna, a 200 pound natural beast. This was outside and one guy jumped off the roof and flattened some other guy (don't ask me the name of the move LOL). It was CRAZY for amateur
Dimension: 960 x 720
File Size: 111.65 Kb
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Dr. Seuzz
Who else is a wrestling fan? Any kind of wrestling.
January 12, 2021
Dr. Seuzz
Chris Very entertaining and such athletes. What they do is truly amazing. Jenna above has a boyfriend who teaches seminars on moves obviously, but also character development and how to engage and entertain.
January 12, 2021