Ila Bonczek - 8 Great Ways Fungi Can Repair Our Planet and Its Population:https://www.visiontimes.com/2023/03/02/fungi-food-wisdom-and-sustainability.html#Fungi #FifthKingdom #Mycelium #Mycorrhizae #F... View More
Can Mushrooms Save the World? 8 Great Ways Fungi Can Repair Our Planet and Its Population - Vision Times
Neither plant nor animal, fungi go far beyond being a fantastic source of food and medicine in the form of mushrooms. Mycelium — the main body of fungi — is continually healing the earth in ways o
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James Howell
Reading this article was like listening to my wife talk. She has become quite the mushroom hunter over the last year. I've eaten mushrooms that I had never heard of before. If you like mushrooms on your pizza and can find morels... Best mushroom pizza ever. Now I understand why folks can get $80 a p... View More