My wife and I are looking for a bisexual woman to be with us in a closed triad relationship and besi... View More
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Bill Brock
Glad to see you back. We have made some great enhancements recently and have a couple more that are being worked on now. Gonna get busy around here soon 😀

Sweet I’ll have a little more time I lost my job

Bill Brock
Voodoo sorry to hear that. Seems to be happening more these days for certain jobs

Yup I know
Well now I know what it’s like to get tazed and shot by my woman
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Are ya gonna share details or just your arrests record? :-) Hope you're OK. that sounds scary.
Wow!! I usually just kick people out of my kitchen by spitting cooking wine at them and waving my butcher knife. You guys are a special breed!!! LOL ;-)
Now it’s damn cold again I don’t think my boys like the cold anymore lmao
Went from 20s to the 80s wtf
Mother Nature is bipolar
Come to Florida. We have great weather. Hanging at the pool today