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Bill Brock

Male. Born on January 26. Is married to .
Why Blah
74 members General Groups
Here is how you as a Group Owner, can harness the power of BaBlahBlah as a single, comprehensive mechanism to best connect with your people.  Please see the following IN THE FEED for a tour: BaBlahBlah Video # 1  Introduction - The Connection Hub BaBlahBlah Video # 2  Secret Groups and Direct Joining to Groups BaBlahBlah Video # 3  Privacy and Sensitive Content BaBlahBlah Video # 4  Intelligent Group Chat BaBlahBlah Video # 5  Chat Alert - One Ping and One Ping Only BaBlahBlah Video # 6  Private Photo Galleries BaBlahBlah Video # 7  Custom Home Page BaBlahBlah Video # 8  Direct Messaging Without Machine Gun Pings BaBlahBlah Video # 9  Live Videos BaBlahBlah Video # 10  Branded Emails BaBlahBlah Video # Branded Mobile Apps   Contact Dr. Seuzz or Bill Brock via DM with questions or more info.
Secret Spices and Special Sauces
71 members Food
This group is used to share all the special spices and sauces that you have found and enjoy. What is your go-to spice? What is that condiment you just can't live without? How about any secret sauces you'd be willing to share? We know you're dying to share....what'cha got?