Pulmonary Archer
on March 21, 2022 104 views
Pulmonary Archer
and don't forget the bablahblah so people on a tirty day ban now there is an alternative to doing the laundery.
March 21, 2022
Pulmonary Archer
the audio start way to late.ariana song is the same leanth as the last one 3.14
March 21, 2022 edited
Pulmonary Archer
take sections out of each section 3.14 ms each cut all the pics to314 pixels by 314 pixels for election year pie day due 03142024 arianas song is axacly 3minutes 14 seconds. put 3 pics on the right side one on the bottom annd 4 on the left side and ariana song cover in a small circle on the bottom a... View More
March 21, 2022
Pulmonary Archer
take a pic of the next gif for a pic lasting .01 second with the bablahblah highlighted redand blue and atatch the same pic for .13 seconds . with bablahblah also highlighted red and blue and make the last gif you attach it to 3 seconds even. you know what make a version of it with cherrie pieit sta... View More
March 21, 2022