Bill Brock
on May 24, 2023
We just did a small upgrade to the web site. Here is what is in it.
1. You can send out a MASS DIRECT MESSAGE to people in a group or people attending an event. It will be used only when info needs to get out quickly, like a time or location change for an event. It will only be turned on in groups and events where it makes sense.
2. Admins for groups have more power to manage groups and events
3. CUSTOM EMAIL enhancements /functionality for groups and events.
4. Bug fixes
This upgrade completes our "Connection Hub" product offering. Group Owners, Travel Agents and Event Planners now have the power to connect their members(people) like never before. If you are one of these people or know someone that could benefit from this service, contact me or Dr. Seuzz. Prepared to be blown away when you see what we have to offer. Yes we are excited!
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Bill Brock
We have also added some extra security to our closed groups. We have hidden the members list for people that are not part of the group. So if you are not in the closed group you are not able to see who is in there. We did this because a closed groups should be closed. Hope this makes sense.
May 25, 2023