Dr. Seuzz
on February 10, 2021
Another funny from the Polk County Sheriff's office here in FL. Check out the hashtags too. LOL Ken was a wanted man, and one of our deputies ventured out to find him.
The arrest warrant was for cocaine possession and resisting arrest, so the deputy had a pretty good idea that Ken might resist this arrest as well. Ken did not disappoint.
When the deputy arrived at Ken’s house in Mulberry, he knocked on the door several times. Ken did not answer.
A bedroom light turned on, so the deputy knocked on the window. “Who is it?” Ken asked.
The deputy responded by identifying himself and why he was there.
Ken apparently did not like the answer and stopped communicating with the deputy.
The deputy attempted to communicate with Ken using the patrol vehicle’s PA system, but Ken still would not respond.
Finally, the deputy mentioned something about his K-9 being there, and Ken decided to come out. Ken must like doggies.
Ken must not care too much for the deputy though because Ken kept calling the deputy all kinds of names…really nasty names. But that’s okay, our deputy is a big boy and his feelings weren’t hurt. The deputy's grandma may not be too happy about it, and Ken may have to answer to her about that.
Ken was arrested on his warrant and received yet another resisting charge. As Mr. Clapton might say: “Ken, If your day is gone, and you want to ride on [to jail in a patrol car], cocaine.”
#KenMustHaveBeenSufferingFromACaseOfTheOhms #Resisting
#HowDoYouGetKensAttention #ByKnocKenOnHisDoor
#OpportunityWasKnockingOnKensDoor #TheOpportunityToGoToJail
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