Dr. Seuzz
on August 4, 2022
I swear this could be on ANY street in Florida LOL. We have the WORST drivers. HA!
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Stephane Paiement
Dr Seuzz: You think you have the worst drivers in FL? Then don't go to Montreal, Quebec...Where there is a no right turn on red for the whole island, where the traffic light sequence is as follow: straight thru green arrow with white pedestrian, then after 5-7 seconds, the arrow is replaced by a gr... View More
August 5, 2022
Dr. Seuzz
That doesn't even make sense. LOL That is asking for trouble. Let me just add that, down here in good ole FL, I got in a car accident (not my fault)...ONE, single accident, and got hit TWICE by the same car. Let that sink in. HMMMMM LOL
August 5, 2022