Hello. My name is Sharon. I am married and work a full time job. Along with husband I work in manufacturing. On the side for the last few years I have had an art business. It’s called Sharon Olvera Design and I am a Mixed Media Artist which is a form of Contemporary Art. I hope to share some of my work and make connections. My website URL is http://www.sharonolveradesign.com. It’s a work in progress. I will be sharing other work from time to time here, but, feel free to visit my website portfolio as well. Thanks.Below is an artwork I did for one of my sisters for her birthday. It’s called City on the Oceanside.
In Album: Sharon Olvera's Timeline Photos
1200 x 900
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570.51 Kb
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Dr. Seuzz
Hi Sharon Olvera! That is so cool that you have an art business ❤️. I’m a creative as well; my talents are marketing and dance 😊. Welcome to the site. Bill Brock and I live very close to Mother Ocean 🌊. This is a beautiful piece. I look forward to seeing more of your talent😊👍👍

Sharon Olvera
Dr. Seuzz Thank you. I am taking Good Friday off work. I plan to do some work on my website - It’s a work in progress. I am working on creating a newsletter and I have started a blog as well.I have almost 75 images of my work up on the site now.🙂

Sharon Olvera
Dr. Seuzz Oh yes. I remember taking dance in high school. Jazz Dance they called it.

Dave Tabor
Definitely different but eye catching

Sharon Olvera
Dave Tabor Thank you.