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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
When researching quotes to write in my Positivity Pages, I found the quote: Love the Giver more than The Gift. My heart just melted when I read that. So many times, I focused on "the gift" instead of ... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
If you're upset someone wasn't successfully MURDERED, it's time to examine your belief systems. Where did that hatred come from? It's time to heal those emotional wounds.
#hypn... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." ~Ambrose Pierce
Prayers for all those affected by the war in Ukraine.
#love #battle #wingshypnosis #breakfree #wingshypnother... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
Despite the forecast, live like it's spring. ~Lilly Pulitzer
#wingshypnosis #wingshypnotherapy #goalsetting #goals #springvibes #love #live
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
The Stages of Love
Traci shares her hilarious interpretation on the stages of love. Read on...
#positivity #love #happyvalentinesday #stageoflove #loverules
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
I took an Attraction Mastery class last week. I discovered 2 of the attendees were taking the class because they were looking to “upgrade” their partners, I decided to research ideas on how to keep th... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
Love: Lying & Cheating…What To Do When The Unimaginable Happens
Everything was going along so well…and then he/she slept with my best friend/escort…
If you'd like to read the post on my website click... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
The Secret to Sabotaging Your Success
All too often my clients come into my office with what they don’t want, instead of focusing on what they do want. Learn how to begin changing your focus!
https:/... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
Changing Your Self Talk
If you focus on the negatives, that is what you’ll receive. The trick is to change your self-talk! Read this week's blog for tips on how to change your self talk.
#hypnosis ... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
Forgiving Yourself
This week’s topic is “Forgiving Yourself,” because if there’s a common theme I see in all of my clients, it’s the inability to forgive ourselves for past mistakes, those stupid and ... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
Forgiving Others
One of the hardest parts of my job is encouraging my clients to “forgive” the other person for the horrible things they caused in the lives of my clients. I’ve heard many awful, horri... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
The Relationship You Have With Yourself
A year ago, I was in bad shape. To make it worse, I had symptoms that seemed to have no connection to each other. I was having trouble walking up and down ste... View More
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Wings Hypnosis, LLC
Why do I/we do this to myself/ourselves? We don’t know, because we put off examining the reasons why we do this! I forced myself to look at the reasons why I procrastinate, and perhaps you’ll recogn... View More
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